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Karl and Grant Flavelle Brokers
Manor Hill Realty Inc., Brokerage
- (416) 837-9874
- (416) 245-1881
- (416) 901-1661
When would you like to visit...

Karl and Grant Flavelle Brokers
Manor Hill Realty Inc., Brokerage
- (416) 837-9874
- (416) 245-1881
- (416) 901-1661

Welcome to Flavelle Bros Realty Group

Are you looking to Buy, Sell, Rent or Invest in real estate? If you’ve answered yes, then you’ve come to the right place! Grant and Karl Flavelle have a passion for assisting clients with various real estate needs. We are trusted and well trained professionals who strive to provide you with the best solutions.
Utilizing both formal education and in field experience, the Flavelle Brothers strive to provide top quality service and amazing results. Explore our website to find detailed listing information, buying guides, selling guides and other features that suit your real estate requirements. Discover why we love real estate and why we are the best choice for you.
Reach out at any time, we would love to chat!
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